Recent Initiatives

Become a philanthropist

You Belong at the University of Montevallo!

Help our current and future students know they belong, too!

Become a philanthropist:

You have experienced the small nurturing atmosphere that lends itself to provide Montevallo’s strong education. As you think back to your college years and to those who inspired and helped you along the way, we ask that you help UM  sustain this “Montevallo experience” for current and future students.  Please consider the following: 

SCHOLARSHIPS:  With more than 60 percent of our students on needs-based financial aid, it is more important than ever to increase the number of scholarships awarded to help students achieve their aspirations. 

STUDENT EMERGENCY FUND: The donations collected for this fund are set aside for the students who need it the most. Whether a student experiences a sudden loss of property, a scholarship need or other unforeseen circumstance that threatens their education here at UM, this  fund is meant to help them bounce back. 

AREA OF GREATEST NEED: The Montevallo Fund is used for areas that are in greatest need at the time. Gifts of any size make an immediate impact on our Montevallo family.  

“As we enter a new moment in our institutional history, we’re proud to launch our capital campaign MomentUM as we embark on the next chapter at the University of Montevallo with our consistent mission of educating and empowering tomorrow’s leaders. Montevallo has always enjoyed tremendous support, which has provided scholarships, improved the learning environment and academic resources we offer and created opportunities for a new generation of students, all in part to the generosity of alumni and loyal friends. We invite you to join us in our collective investment that will continue to impact the lives of students who will experience those same feelings of happiness, pride and accomplishment on the bricks for generations to come. – President John W. Stewart III